The premier messageboard for the Scottish Highland League, North Region Juniors and North Caledonian League
Welcome to Fitba North (FN), an independent and unofficial messageboard - originally set up on 10th November 2005 as the Lossiemouth FC Messageboard (LFCM) for people to discuss Lossiemouth FC, the Scottish Highland League and a wide range of subjects. This was rebranded as Fitba North on 17th January 2010 in recognition of its appeal across the Scottish Highland League and further afield and the need for an effective Scottish Highland League forum. Fitba North also aims to cover North Region Junior and North Caledonian League football.
The present version of the Fitba North is driven by a database that dates back to 28th October 2006 (following the collapse of the original hosting company after 15,000 posts) and now has over 1500 Registered Users and has received over 500,000 posts in nine years ensuring its status as the busiest messageboard solution to the Scottish Highland League and the north football scene with more than 200 posts made on the site every day.
For those of you coming across Fitba North for the first time and wondering what content is to be found within, we have a total of five football discussion forums:
FN1: Scottish Highland League
FN2: North Juniors & North Caledonian League
FN3: SPFL and other Scottish Senior Fitba
FN4: Non-Professional & Recreational Fitba
FN5: English, European & World Club Fitba
FN6: Scotland & International Fitba
Additionally we have two further popular discussion forums for non-football chat:
FN7: Other Sport & Recreation
FN8: Life & Nonsense
Finally we also have an Information/Comments forum and a Competitions forum featuring prediction games and fantasy football league in which prizes may be won.
Please click here to register with the Fitba North messageboard and join in the discussions on the forums, and take care to note the rules and guidelines outlined below...
Fitba North Rules
1. Ethos
Everyone is welcome on the Fitba North messageboard and its component forums regardless of the football club they support as long as everyone plays fair.
2. Registration
You must register and therefore become a Registered User in order to read, post and join the discussions. Please click here to register with the Fitba North messageboard and join in the discussions. Due to abuse and problems with automated spam bots, all new accounts will have to be approved by myself before they can be activated. Apologies for any delays incurred because of this. Please note that registrations from free email providers (e.g. hotmail, yahoo etc.) that give no indication of an individuals real identity are unlikely to be approved and activated. Any new accounts with false/incorrect email addresses will be deleted without exception. On occasion some new registrations may be subject to restricted access including post moderation approval for a limited time.
3. Administration & Moderation
The Fitba North messageboard is administered by Jimmy Shaker and moderation is also undertaken by him. Please note that Jimmy Shaker reserves the right to edit or delete posts with unsuitable content as described in the following section. Registered Users who submit posts with unsuitable content may be subject to sanction according to to the nature of the posts. The ultimate sanction is that of a total ban from Fitba North. Additionally please note that Chris Souter, as Owner of Fitba North, may act in an Administration or Moderation manner in exceptional circumstances, although he is not in a current active role.
4. Unsuitable Content
(a) Abusive posts (beyond acceptable banter) will not be tolerated.
(b) The use of profanities is prohibited as Fitba North is available to people of all ages and sensitivities. Most common profanities are subject to an automatic word censor, but some spelling variations may not be recognised.
(c) Anything with pornographic content is prohibited.
(d) Any posts that promote illegal activity.
(e) Any posts that include making an allegation against someone.
(f) Any posts which compromise the confidentiality of any football clubs or organisations are prohibited.
(g) Also please note that the focus of Fitba North is on discussion, therefore spam or 'post-count building' posts (e.g. word association) is not encouraged.
(h) Overtly political posts in terms of club relationships are discouraged.
(i) Any posts which reveal the content of Private Messages are prohibited.
(j) Any posts that can be interpreted as general malice or mischief. These can include deliberately posting false accusations, scorelines, cup draws etc.
5. Other issues of conduct
(a) Individuals should only be registered once on Fitba North. Multiple registrations for the purpose of malice and mischief will result in banning of excess registrations.
(b) Individuals should not sign in using the details of other Registered Users. Abuse of this will not be tolerated and may result in a total ban from Fitba North, especially if an individual is impersonating a member of the Fitba North Adminstrators Usergroup and therefore gaining access to restricted areas of Fitba North.
(c) Individuals should not attempt to 'out' the real-life identities of other Registered Users - whether explicity or more subtly.
6. Formal Warnings
If an administrator feels you have breached a minor site rule you will be issued with a Formal Warning. Multiple Formal Warnings may result in a ban for an appropriate period of time given their nature and timescale. Any further warnings on return from a ban may result in a permanent ban.
As a general guide:
1 Warning in a year period = no ban
2 Warnings in a year period = 24 hour ban if for same offence, no ban if for different offence
3 Warnings in a year period = 1 month ban if all for same offence, 1 week ban if for different offences
4 Warnings in a year period = To be treated as a 'serious offence' with an instant ban on fourth warning (ban term anything from one month to permanent)
Warnings will be issued for minor offences only. Serious offences will result in instant bans with a minimum term of one month and a maximum term of permanent.
7. Complaints
If you have any complaint about any of the content you find on Fitba North please contact me, as Fitba North Owner, through the Private Message facility in the first instance and I shall respond and act accordingly.
8. Ownership of Content
Any views expressed in posts on this messageboard remain solely of the individual who posted the material and the site or its owner are in no way personally, financially or legally responsible or liable for this content.
9. Deactivation of Accounts
Should any Registered User wish to leave the site and have their account placed out of reach they are asked to contact the FN Administration Team to process this. In this circumstance the Registered User will have a 48 hour cooling off period from a designated time, after which their account will be deactivated. Any account activity by the Registered User during the cooling off period will be seen as the Registered User wishing to continue on Fitba North. If that is not the case the cooling off clock will be reset until 48 hours of inactivity is achieved. If a Registered User who has had their account deactivated wishes to rejoin the site they must email the FN Owner for this request.
10. Summary
Keep it clean and keep it in good taste!
Happy reading and happy posting!

Chris Souter